[Users] Having trouble with creating bridged networks on OVZ-9

jjs - mainphrame jjs at mainphrame.com
Sun Apr 16 06:56:15 MSK 2023

Hello all,

After testing ovz-9 alpha releases for some weeks using VMs, I have OVZ9
installed on a physical machine to do some further testing. Containers with
host routed connections are working fine, and can migrate to and from OVZ-7

So I wanted to go to the next level, create lan and wan bridges for
bridged networks, but it seems the prlsrvctl syntax has changed, and the
commands no longer work as they did on OVZ-7.

A bridge br0 was created by the installer on the internal lan, and I added
a bridge br1 which connects to the default gateway device, but trying to
associate a bridge with a network fails with an error.

I created the network "Bridged" (which used to be automatically created on
OVZ-7 install) and it defaulted to type host-only. Then I added the network
"firewalla" as I have done on the OVZ-7 machine, and it also defaulted to

root at katyusha ~]# prlsrvctl net list
WARNING: You are using a deprecated CLI component that will be dropped in
the next major release. Please use virsh instead
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge         Slave interfaces
Bridged           host-only                virbr3
Host-Only         host-only                virbr1
firewalla         host-only                virbr4

My next step was to change the type from "host-only" to "bridged", and
that's where things went south:

[root at katyusha ~]# prlsrvctl net set Bridged -t bridged --ifname br0 -d
"internal bridge"
WARNING: You are using a deprecated CLI component that will be dropped in
the next major release. Please use virsh instead
Failed to find network adapter br0 on the server.

[root at katyusha ~]# prlsrvctl net set firewalla -t bridged --ifname br1 -d
"firewalla bridge"
WARNING: You are using a deprecated CLI component that will be dropped in
the next major release. Please use virsh instead
Failed to find network adapter br1 on the server.

Is there some documentation on the updated syntax?

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