[Users] firewall capability in openVZ/virtuozzo 7

Jehan Procaccia jehan.procaccia at tem-tsp.eu
Mon Oct 10 12:42:03 PDT 2016


by default firewalld doesn't work on a fresh install container 

docs says:
I guess I need to enable net_admin
net_admin     Allows the administration of IP firewalls and accounting. 
as it it by default set to off

but the command is deprecated
# vzctl set MyCT11 --capability net_admin --save
Warning: The --capability option is deprecated

So I used prlctl (not proposed in the doc above !?)

# prlctl set MyCT11 --capability net_admin:on
Set capabilities: NET_ADMIN:on
The CT has been successfully configured.

but still in the CT
/# firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
/# firewall-cmd --reload
Error: '/sbin/iptables -w2 -t filter -I INPUT 1 -m conntrack --ctstate 
RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' failed: iptables: No chain/target/match 
by that name.
as if NET_ADMIN capability is not save permanently in the CT definition

what is the equivalent of vzctl --save with prlctl ?
or I mess somewhere else ?

Regards .

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