[Users] OVZ 7 - vzmigrate now fails with license error

jjs - mainphrame jjs at mainphrame.com
Tue Jul 28 15:49:42 PDT 2015


I have been testing openvz 7 here at home, and decided to bring up a second
Centos 7 OVZ host. After copying the template caches over to the new box, I
tried to do a container migration, which failed due to a license error. Can
this be resolved, or has CT migration become a commercial-only feature?

[root at annie ~]# vzmigrate hachi 101
Connection to destination node (hachi) is successfully established
Moving/copying CT 101 -> CT 101, [], [] ...
locking 101
Checking bindmounts
Check cluster ID
Checking license restrictions
vzlicview exit with retcode 127
License check failed: vzlicview exit with retcode 127
Can't move/copy CT 101 -> CT 101, [], [] : License check failed: vzlicview
exit with retcode 127
[root at annie ~]#

Thanks & Regards,

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