[Users] ioacct weirdness?

Kir Kolyshkin kir at openvz.org
Tue Jul 21 14:33:18 PDT 2015

Just one thing -- ioacct accounts on a VFS level, not on actual disk I/O 
Also, ioacct accounts all reads and writes, including tmpfs and /proc 
and /sys etc.

Say, if you rewrite a file (a real file on disk) a thousand times real 
quick, it does not
mean the data will be written to a disk a thousand times -- more 
probably just once.

Maybe you want to look into iostat rather than ioacct?


On 07/21/2015 12:39 PM, Mark Johanson wrote:
> So as it was explained to me before, the vm specific ioacct file resets when the vm is restarted. Which seemed to work and make sence until today. I have a vm that according to that file has made 403G of writes since it was restarted yesterday.
> (1 day) VE WWWW 403 GB in average daily writes and 403 GB in total since it was last rebooted
> (51 days) VE XXXX 9 GB in average daily writes and 487 GB in total since it was last rebooted
> (11 days) VE YYYY 5 GB in average daily writes and 60 GB in total since it was last rebooted
> (51 days) VE ZZZZ 2 GB in average daily writes and 132 GB in total since it was last rebooted
> *above day listings are from me just checking on their uptimes.
> My Script runs as:
> for veid in `vzlist -Hoveid`; do #run in all running vms
>    a=`vzctl exec $veid uptime | awk '{print $3}'` #grab uptime from vm
>    b=`grep write /proc/bc/$veid/ioacct | awk '{print $2}'` #grab write information from ioacct file for vm
>    c=`echo "$b/$a" | bc` #divide writes by days up
>    d=`echo "$c/1073741824" | bc` #daily writes in GB
>    e=`echo "$b/1073741824" | bc` #total wirtes since uptime in GB
>    echo "VE $veid $d GB in average daily writes and $e GB in total since it was last rebooted" #spit out results per vm
> done
> The ioacct file for this vm contains:
>            read                          121361661952
>            write                         433471070208
>            dirty                        2439431475200
>            cancel                       2005960404992
>            missed                                   0
>            syncs_total                              5
>            fsyncs_total                        179645
>            fdatasyncs_total                     48312
>            range_syncs_total                        0
>            syncs_active                             0
>            fsyncs_active                            0
>            fdatasyncs_active                        0
>            range_syncs_active                       0
>            io_pbs                                   0
>            fuse_requests                            0
>            fuse_bytes                               0
>    So based on the write numbers (I do understand that dirty is unwritten and canceled is data not written during a flush) it comes out to 403G in writes since its reboot Mon Jul 20 08:46.
>    Am I completely off on my math? Seemed to be working just fine until this vm spit out a 403G number. Am I missing something else?
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