[Users] ioacct weirdness?

Mark Johanson mjohanson at a2hosting.com
Tue Jul 21 12:39:41 PDT 2015

So as it was explained to me before, the vm specific ioacct file resets when the vm is restarted. Which seemed to work and make sence until today. I have a vm that according to that file has made 403G of writes since it was restarted yesterday.

(1 day) VE WWWW 403 GB in average daily writes and 403 GB in total since it was last rebooted
(51 days) VE XXXX 9 GB in average daily writes and 487 GB in total since it was last rebooted
(11 days) VE YYYY 5 GB in average daily writes and 60 GB in total since it was last rebooted
(51 days) VE ZZZZ 2 GB in average daily writes and 132 GB in total since it was last rebooted

*above day listings are from me just checking on their uptimes.

My Script runs as:

for veid in `vzlist -Hoveid`; do #run in all running vms
  a=`vzctl exec $veid uptime | awk '{print $3}'` #grab uptime from vm
  b=`grep write /proc/bc/$veid/ioacct | awk '{print $2}'` #grab write information from ioacct file for vm
  c=`echo "$b/$a" | bc` #divide writes by days up
  d=`echo "$c/1073741824" | bc` #daily writes in GB
  e=`echo "$b/1073741824" | bc` #total wirtes since uptime in GB
  echo "VE $veid $d GB in average daily writes and $e GB in total since it was last rebooted" #spit out results per vm

The ioacct file for this vm contains:

          read                          121361661952
          write                         433471070208
          dirty                        2439431475200
          cancel                       2005960404992
          missed                                   0
          syncs_total                              5
          fsyncs_total                        179645
          fdatasyncs_total                     48312
          range_syncs_total                        0
          syncs_active                             0
          fsyncs_active                            0
          fdatasyncs_active                        0
          range_syncs_active                       0
          io_pbs                                   0
          fuse_requests                            0
          fuse_bytes                               0
  So based on the write numbers (I do understand that dirty is unwritten and canceled is data not written during a flush) it comes out to 403G in writes since its reboot Mon Jul 20 08:46.
  Am I completely off on my math? Seemed to be working just fine until this vm spit out a 403G number. Am I missing something else?

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