[Users] UDP socket buffer strategy for VoIP Service Containers

JR Richardson jmr.richardson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 13:53:56 EDT 2011

Hi All,

I'm running Asterisk servers on OVZ with great success.  Most of the
systems are pretty small usage, just a few phones and active channels.
 I used vzsplit to generate my resource parameters so all systems are
set equally on the hardware node.

Sometimes I'll get a container pushing the limits of these 2 resources:

othersockbuf          21.88 kb      562.56 kb      553.39 kb
1.98 mb             59
dgramrcvbuf            0.00 kb      260.06 kb      260.42 kb
260.42 kb           70

I assume this is due to active calls.

Can someone shed some light on the direct correlation between UDP
sockets and VoIP Calls?  Are the resource parameter in kb the amount
of UDP bandwidth on the network?  All VoIP/RTP traffic is UDP G.711.

I do not have any complaints about voice quality issues or anything
that would indicate the incremental counts over the soft limit are
really affecting performance of the container or the VoIP Service.

Would it be ok increase the soft limits to something like 1/4 or 1/2
the total resource of the hardware node and increase the hard limit to

Any suggestions or info would be appreciated.


JR Richardson
Engineering for the Masses

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