[Users] Heavy Disk IO from a single VM can block the other VMs on the same host

Bogdan-Stefan Rotariu bogdan at rotariu.ro
Thu Dec 1 10:49:19 EST 2011

On Nov 29, 2011, at 18:13, Hubert Krause <hubert.krause at inform-software.com> (by way of HubertKrause <hubert.krause at inform-software.com>) (by way of HubertKrause <hubert.krause at inform-software.com>) wrote:

> Hello,
> my environment is a Debian squeeze host with a few debian squeeze
> guests. The private and root filesystems of the guest are locatet on
> the same raid device (raid5) 

maybe offtopic, maybe not, but stop using raid5 for VM deployment, use raid10, raid1, raid0 -- with lvm and snapshots

raid5 will always be slow on io, as it has checksums because "recalculation and redistribution of parity data on a per-write basis"

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