[Users] Re: vzpkg2

Robert Nelson robertn at the-nelsons.org
Sat Sep 13 01:22:25 EDT 2008

I did some more thinking about this, additional comments below:

Robert Nelson wrote:
> Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
>> (c) Protocol (http://) is explicitly prepended to a value of 
>> VZPKG_CACHE_HOST. This makes it impossible to use anything other than 
>> http:// (i.e. ftp://, file://, whatever).
> This is a simple change in the vzpkg.conf files.
Just to be clear, this is already supported.    If you don't want to use 
pkg-cacher at all then you can modify the definition of 
YUM_CONF/YUM_REPO or APT_MIRROR/APT_SOURCES in the distribution or 
version specific vzpkg.conf.
>> (d) This is a global parameter, which means it's not possible to have 
>> a per-distro cache/repo in different places. This is the case for me 
>> -- there are repo mirrors of pretty much every distro in my LAN, but 
>> they are not on the same server.
> See my response to point (b)
If you specify VZPKG_CACHE_HOST in the distribution specific vzpkg.conf 
file it will override the global setting.

If you are using pkg-cacher and want to use local repositories then you 
just modify /etc/pkg-cacher/pkg-cacher.conf to point at your local 
repositories.  This results in some files on the HN duplicating those on 
your private mirrors but that isn't any different than the old yum-cache 
directories which pkg-cacher is designed to replace.

Btw, I also used to have private mirrors on my network but I've replaced 
them with pkg-cacher.  It is much better since it only caches the files 
that are actually used.

>> Not really sure what do to about that -- just started to looking 
>> and... here comes the weekend :)
>> This is it so far; will continue next week.

In summary, the only outstanding work item I see from these comments is 
moving the VZPKG_* settings to a separate /etc/vz/vzpkg.conf.

Do you agree?

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