[Users] fake swap != 0 in VE? (solved)

Dariush Pietrzak ml-openvz-eyck at ddiary.eu
Wed Feb 13 09:52:35 EST 2008

> Would not the same effect be achived using OpenVZ builtin --meminfo
> parameter to vzctl?
 oooh, this is good, 
 however I can't find any info/docs about this option, the only thing I
found is:
"Recently Vasily Averin very clearly explained the reason but it was in
Russian part of OpenVZ forum. Smile
I'll try to reproduce his idea very precisely.
The fact is that you can restrict the userspace memory via privmpages but
inside VE we cannot divide it among the SWAP and RAM. In theory all VE's
userspace memory can be swapped that is why
we have to represent the swap size inside VE like privmpages.
But also VE's userspace can stay in RAM so we have to take into account
privmpages in RAM accounting. So we have take into account privvmpages in
RAM and in SWAP accounting. That is why inside VE swap is shown like zero.
But if your application uses the top/free output you can switch off
/proc/meminfo virtualization by using vzctl's --meminfo parameter. And get
the same /proc/meminfo like on host system."
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