[Users] Re: OpenVZ and Gentoo (partly solved)

RapidVPS rickb at rapidvps.com
Mon Jan 30 22:12:00 EST 2006

Has anyone gotten Gentoo to work as a VPS (not the hardware node). At the end of this thread, did the poster say that they got it to work? I am having the same problem as described..

[mailto:root at uranus 5554]# vzctl --verbose start 5554
Unable to open /usr/lib/vzctl/modules/: No such file or directory
Starting VPS ...
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota show 5554
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota on 5554 -r 0 -b 22117297 -B 23234494 -i 10563969 -I 10920356 -e 259200 -n 259200 -s 0
Mounting root: /vz/root/5554 /vz/private/5554
VPS is mounted
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota stat 5554 -f
Running: vzquota setlimit 5554 -b 22117197 -B 23234394 -i 10563869 -I 10920256
Adding IP address(es):
Running: /usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-net_add
arpsend: is detected on another computer : 00:30:48:72:cd:ee
vps-net_add WARNING: arpsend -c 1 -w 1 -D  -e eth0 FAILED
Running VPS script: /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts/dists/scripts/gentoo-add_ip.sh
Setting CPU limit: 75
Setting CPU units: 14516
Set hostname: gentoo.com
Running VPS script:  /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts/dists/scripts/gentoo-set_hostname. sh
VPS start in progress...
[mailto:root at uranus 5554]# vzlist | grep 5554
      5554          1 running   gentoo.com
[mailto:root at uranus 5554]# vzctl exec 5554 mount -t proc none /proc
[mailto:root at uranus 5554]# vzctl exec 5554 ps axf
    1 ?        Ss     0:00 ini
 9158 ?        Rs     0:00 ps axf
[mailto:root at uranus 5554]# vzctl enter 5554
enter failed
[mailto:root at uranus 5554]# vzctl --verbose stop 5554
Unable to open /usr/lib/vzctl/modules/: No such file or directory
Stopping VPS ...
VPS was stopped
Running: /usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-net_del
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota stat 5554 -f
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota off 5554
VPS is unmounted
Running: /usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-stop
[mailto:root at uranus 5554]#

Any ideas?

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