[Devel] Contribution to a new and official Web UI to OpenVZ

Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT paulocoghi at gmail.com
Mon May 13 00:58:32 MSK 2019

Hello development community of OpenVZ. My name is Paulo Coghi, and it's an
immense honor to talk to you.

I saw on the wishlist (https://wiki.openvz.org/Wishlist) that a good web UI
is needed and, today, I'm starting to develop a new Web UI for OpenVZ.

I would like to know if you authorize me to present my candidate to you in
a few weeks and, if approved, give it to the community, not only making it
open source, but also respecting and following all of your requirements
along the development process.

I am committed to fully develop the initial version along with its
documentation, with refreshed and clean design standards, fully covered and
testable code (using automated tests), using Svelte (https://svelte.dev) to
compile all the Web UI code base in pure JavaScript and to facilitate the
contributions of other front-end developers and designers, follow rigorous
security standards in the backend code base, among other things.

If its approved and the community leaders wish, you can transfer the entire
code base to the OpenVZ organization on Github (https://github.com/OpenVZ/),
where all the community will be able to continuously work on it.

It is my desire to build a very good relationship with all the community,
because I also wish, very soon, to propose a new website for OpenVZ with an
easier way to create and maintain the documentation and wiki.

Thanks a lot for your attention, and I look forward to your response!

Paulo Coghi
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