[Devel] Re: mini-summit agenda

Dhaval Giani dhaval at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Sun Jun 15 08:50:44 PDT 2008

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 09:53:05PM +0900, Midori Sugaya wrote:
> Hello all,
> My name is Midori Sugara. I work for implementing cpu resource 
> management system on Linux kernenl. I had already implemented cpu 
> and memory resource management system named CABI.
> Now we are trying to re-implement this system by cgroup mechanism.
> This project is now work in progress.

Hi Midori,

There already is a CPU and a memory resource management based on top of
cgroups in mainline. How is your implementation different from the one
already in mainline?

> I hear cgroup meetnig will be held in Otawa Linux kernel symposium, and
> I would like to attend this meeting for sharing latest informations and
> future roadmap of cgroups.
> Could I attend the meeting?

Sure, it is open for all.

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