[Devel] [PATCH, try3, 0/3] Separate logfile and console loglevel

Kristian Høgh kfh.openvzmail at kfh.dk
Wed Dec 6 10:05:32 PST 2006

Separate logfile and console loglevel
The separation is implemented as follows

1:  split --verbose from LOG_LEVEL
    verbose and LOG_LEVEL are both 0 as default
    --verbose will not affect LOG_LEVEL and vice versa

2: Make --verbose accept optional value. Add VERBOSE to vz.conf
    VERBOSE=0 as default
        Increase or set the logging level.
        No arguments will increase the current value by one.

3: Make verbose=0 more quiet
    Raise default LOG_LEVEL to 2 and VERBOSE to 1
    Raise some logger(0, ...)
    No logger() above 3
Defaults will print/log mostly the same...

Kristian Høgh

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