[Debian] Re: Bug#504449: vzctl: Please apply Ubuntu changes

Ola Lundqvist opal at debian.org
Tue Nov 4 01:43:34 EST 2008

Hi Nathan

Nice to hear from you. Yes this looks like a good patch.
Some comments/questions below.

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 05:29:18PM -0600, Nathan Handler wrote:
> In Ubuntu, we've applied the attached patch to achieve the following:
>  * etc/bash_completion.d/vzctl.sh.in:
>     Use "/bin/ls" instead of "ls", so an existing alias for "ls"
>     does not get used.

This sounds like a good patch. However I find it unlikely that
root have any aliases. But it could of course be so. How critical
did you find this one?

>  * src/lib/ub.c: Fix typo: s/successefully/successfully/

Ok good. I assume that this is not a critical thing.

>  * src/lib/config.c, src/lib/util.c: Explicitly include limits.h

What is the reason for this? I assume that it helps you to compile
on some platform but I want to check first.

> We thought you might be interested in doing the same.

Yes very interesting. However I think you are aware that we are
close to release which makes me reluctant to do any changes right
now. They will be applied after the release of lenny though.

One more question. Have you submitted this upstream, or do you
want me to do that?

Best regards,

// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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