[CRIU] Criu premap and pre-restore script in the [ cr_restore_tasks() ] function

DALLEL KHEZZANE gd_khezzane at esi.dz
Sat Mar 13 03:44:12 MSK 2021


I'm a Master's Student and my thesis is about Optimizing Service Migration
on the Edge with CRIU so i'm trying to understand how it works.

*my questions are about the restore feature *
1) on the CRIU(master)/criu/cr-restore.c file , in function
*cr_restore_tasks()* line 2575 function *restore_root_task(..)* is called.
on the same file in function definition *restore_root_task(..)*, on line
2202 *run_scripts(ACT_PRE_RESTORE)* is called but i can't find the
pre-restore action script in the script directory where the post-restore
and other action scripts are.
Can you tell me what the pre-restore action script does and where it is

2) At what point is the *premap* in the Criu-memory-workflow figure
<https://criu.org/File:Criu-memory-wflow.png> happening during restore?
please point it out on the source code.
[image: image.png]

ank you.

Dallel Khezzane
5th Year Student at ESI <https://www.esi.dz/> Major : Computer Systems
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