[CRIU] About file lock

Gu Zheng cengku.gu at huawei.com
Sat Sep 29 02:06:08 EDT 2012

I use a simple code to test CRIU,when it runs,it's pid is 12884,the /proc/locks info is like this:

1: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 12884 fd:02:87556805 0 EOF
2: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10092 fd:00:1048737 0 EOF
3: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10063 fd:00:1048734 0 0
4: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10049 fd:00:1048732 0 EOF
5: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10007 fd:00:1048723 0 EOF
6: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 9983 fd:00:1048720 0 EOF
7: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 9983 fd:00:1326216 0 EOF
8: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 9551 fd:00:1048681 0 EOF

You can see the No.1 flock is set by this task.

Then I run the './crtools dump -t 12884' and './crtools restore -t 12884' scripts to dump and restore this task,it is successful, 
but the /proc/locks info is like this:

1: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10092 fd:00:1048737 0 EOF
2: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10063 fd:00:1048734 0 0
3: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10049 fd:00:1048732 0 EOF
4: POSIX  ADVISORY  WRITE 10007 fd:00:1048723 0 EOF
5: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 9983 fd:00:1048720 0 EOF
6: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 9983 fd:00:1326216 0 EOF
7: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 9551 fd:00:1048681 0 EOF

Yeah,the flock set by this task disappeared, it's not expected.

So I read the CRIU codes,and find that CRIU does not handle file locks.And I look up the TODO list on CRIU main page,do not find 
any solution or plan about file locks.
Is it unnecessary to handle the file locks? or an oversight? Thanks!

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