[Users] OpenVZ / Virtuozzo 7
Volker Janzen
voja at voja.de
Thu Aug 25 13:14:47 PDT 2016
I was now able to reproduce and document the steps needed to go from CentOS 7 -> Virtuozzo Linux 7 -> Virtuozzo 7.
You need to install CentOS 7 your prefered way with /vz ext4 partition (I made all partions ext4, as the Virtuozzo 7 Bare Metal installer does).
First the steps to convert CentOS 7 (minimal) to Virtuozzo Linux 7 with vzdeploy:
cd /root
yum install wget
wget http://repo.virtuozzo.com/vzlinux/vzdeploy/vzdeploy
chmod 700 vzdeploy
This takes some time and finishes without interaction needed. At the end you'll see:
Installing a trial license...
Start activation for code trial...
License VZLINUX [*****] was loaded successfully.
Calling 0
sh: 0: command not found
Subscription completed unsuccessfully
Activation completed successfully with product key *****
You can find complete log in /var/log/vzdeploy.log
Pavel told me that this licence is only needed for some features, that are only available in the commercial version. As far as I can see, the licence is no longer installed after conversion to Virtuozzo 7 is done.
The next step is adding the Virtuozzo 7 repositories to yum. Note that the factory repository is enabled for my test, but with lower priority than the release repository. I need to check what have been the original settings of the bare metal installer before setting up a production system.
echo "# These repositories are for internal use by developers only
# Enable them on your own risk!!!
name=Build Factory packages for Containers
name=Debug packages for Containers from Build Factory
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-7" > /etc/yum.repos.d/factory.repo
echo "[openvz-os]
name=OpenVZ Updates
name=OpenVZ os Debug packages
name=OpenVZ updates Debug packages
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-7" > /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo
We now fetch the lists of the available packages:
yum update
That will import the required GPG key, you have to allow it, when seeing this message:
warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/factory/packages/openvz-logos-70.0.11-1.vz7.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 44cdad2a: NOKEY
Public key for openvz-logos-70.0.11-1.vz7.noarch.rpm is not installed
openvz-logos-70.0.11-1.vz7.noarch.rpm | 298 kB 00:00:00
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-7
Importing GPG key 0x44CDAD2A:
Userid : "Virtuozzo Team (GPG key signature for packages) <security at virtuozzo.com>"
Fingerprint: c92b bb23 e3c3 1386 6694d5f5 ca0b 7d19 44cd ad2a
Package : 1:vzlinux-release-7-1.vl7.15.x86_64 (@virtuozzolinux-base/7.1.0)
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-7
As Pavel said (thank you very much for the hint) we can use yum groups to install all required packages:
yum grouplist | grep -i virtuozzo
returns in my case:
Virtuozzo Containers
Virtuozzo Hypervisor
Then install the groups
yum groupinstall 'Virtuozzo' 'Virtuozzo Containers' 'Virtuozzo Hypervisor'
Finally reboot to run Virtuozzo 7.
Viele Grüße
> Am 24.08.2016 um 11:28 schrieb Pavel Vokhmyanin <pvokhmyanin at virtuozzo.com>:
> Hello,
> Good call, Volker!
> To my shame I was not aware of vzdeploy script, which, as it seems, was completed just a week ago or so. Taking in account existence of "vzdeploy" - it should be possible.
> In case anyone searches for the script, it can be obtained here:
> http://repo.virtuozzo.com/vzlinux/vzdeploy/vzdeploy
> Jurijs,
> Regarding the packages installation - I believe you may try installing Virtuozzo using "yum groups":
> # yum grouplist | grep -i virtuozzo
> Virtuozzo
> Virtuozzo Containers
> Virtuozzo High Availability
> Virtuozzo Hypervisor
> Virtuozzo Storage
> etc...
> Note, first you must replace centos packages with virtuozzolinux packages.
> That should be better than cherry-picking packages from the repository.
> I'd recommend installing at least "Virtuozzo", "Virtuozzo Containers" and "Virtuozzo Hypervisor", "QEMU".
> Note, I've composed the list by briefly checking all available groups, it might be incomplete. And I haven't tested this either.
> Volker, if you can add anything - please do.
> Best Regards,
> --
> Pavel Vokhmyanin
> Virtualization Maintenance
> Virtuozzo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-bounces at openvz.org [mailto:users-bounces at openvz.org] On Behalf Of Volker Janzen
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 August, 2016 21:02
> To: OpenVZ users <users at openvz.org>
> Subject: Re: [Users] OpenVZ / Virtuozzo 7
> Hi,
> I did one try so far this way:
> 1) Install CentOS7
> 2) Use vzdeploy to convert CentOS7 to Virtuozzo Linux 7
> 3) Install yum repo for Virtuozzo 7 (extracted from VZ7 bare metal installer inside of a KVM)
> 4) Install packages needed for Virtuozzo 7
> 5) Reboot into Virtuozzo 7
> I have found at least one error in my notes, I need to retry the steps in my test KVM. When I have reproducable steps, I plan to publish them. I was unable to use the bare metal installer, too.
> Regards
> Volker
>> Am 23.08.2016 um 11:50 schrieb Jurijs Ivolga <jurijs.ivolga at gmail.com>:
>> Hi All,
>> I tried to google, but unsuccessfully. :)
>> Is there any possibility to install OpenVZ / Virtuozzo 7 via yum without USB or CD, like OpenVZ 6?
>> Thank you!
>> Jurijs
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