[Users] openvz-diff-backups - survival guide - part two

tranxene50 tranxene50 at openvz-diff-backups.fr
Wed Sep 16 03:46:07 MSK 2020


This is part two of the "survival" guide that briefly describe how 
openvz-diff-backups (OVZDB for short) works and what you can expect from 
it on a daily basis.

I repeat: English is not my native language. So, if you see something 
weird, please quote the sentence and report it.

# ---------------------

Before digging into configuration parameters (openvz-diff-backups.conf), 
let's have a look at the most used task (ie. backup) and some useful 

# ---------------------

First, create a "dummy" container (all examples below will rely on this 

# CTID="666"

# vzctl create $CTID

# vzctl set $CTID --cpus 2 --ram 512M --swap 256M --hostname 
www.kick-me.com --ipadd --nameserver --searchdomain "" 

# iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE

# vzctl start $CTID

Now, you should have a working container with network access (please 
wait 10 seconds before it fully starts):

# vzctl exec $CTID "ping -a -c 3 www.acme.com"

If it pings 3 times, your are done (if not, wait and try again).

# ---------------------

Second, install OVZB (this is not the latest release but this is on 

# OVZDB_RELEASE="v1.0.1.11-stable"

# cd /usr/local/sbin/

# wget 

# tar xvzf openvz-diff-backups_${OVZDB_RELEASE}.tar.gz

# mv openvz-diff-backups_${OVZDB_RELEASE}openvz-diff-backups_stable

# ln -s openvz-diff-backups_stable/openvz-diff-backups openvz-diff-backups

# rm openvz-diff-backups_${OVZDB_RELEASE}.tar.gz

# ---------------------

After that, when simply typing "openvz-diff-backups", it should run and 
complain about missing tools: most of the time it is "bc", "dig", 
"bzip2" or "rsync".

Debian: apt-get install openssh-client rsync bc bzip2 dnsutils

CentOS: yum install openssh-clients rsync bc bzip2 bind-utils

# ---

If you can, and this is *highly recommended*, please install pbzip2 and 

pbzip2 will speed up OVZBD "live" backups (ie. compressing memory dump) 
and nocache will avoid to unnecessarilyfill the kernel page cache.


# apt-get install nocachepbzip2


# cd /home

# wget 

# yum install pbzip2-1.1.12-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

# rm pbzip2-1.1.12-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

# wget 

# yum install nocache-1.1-1pclos2019.x86_64.rpm

# rm nocache-1.1-1pclos2019.x86_64.rpm

# ---------------------

At this point, it is time to check if there are updates for OVZDB:

# openvz-diff-backups update all check

As expected, there is a new release so let's install it:

# openvz-diff-backups update all install

This is all, if it succeed, you are good to go.

# ---

Once in a day/week, you should use a cron job to run this command:

# openvz-diff-backups update all auto -l 6 -q -q

It will check for updates and automatically install them.

Note: if you are using a very old version, run this command as many time 
as necessary until you see: "your release is up to date. Yay!"

# ---------------------

To create a backup, you need to use the "backup" taskbut - because it is 
the the first time and because you are quite "anxious" - please activate 
the "dry-run" option (-d):

# CTID="666"

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID auto -d

Normally, OVZDB will complain about missing SSH keys:"SSH error: 
connection failure (host: "" - error: "255") - please check SSH 
private/public keys"

By default, backups are stored on "localhost" in directory 
"/home/backup/openvz-diff-backups" so you need to have a full root SSH 
access, even if it is on "localhost"

# ---

To solve this, add your public key to "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys":

1) (optional) create a public/private key pair (if you already have 
private/public keys, skip this step)

# ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

2) (required) add your public key to "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys":

# ssh-copy-id -p 22 root at

That's all: you are now ready to create your first "fake" backup.

# ---------------------

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID auto -d

Unfortunately, because there is a bug in "v1.0.1.12-stable", a dry-run 
backup won't succeed:

=> *Error* - Unable to save memory dump (path: 
- error: "3") - aborting

However, this is the expected and correct behavior of OVZDB: if anything 
goes wrong (or is unexpected), it cleanly stops and report the error

The bug was fixed yesterday in my private git repo but I have not yet 
published a new release: I want to be sure that there are no side 
effects, even if the patch contains less than 50 characters.

# ---

Ok, instead of using "auto" mode, let's try the "sync" mode:

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID sync -d

So far so good, it works but - as said by OVZDB - "nothing will happen 
for real, I promise!".

Note: before creating a backup, OVZDB will always sync the container's 
data with the OVZDB "cache".

Long story short: the "cache" is useful every time you want to backup a 
container because it will speed up the task.

# ---

So let's sync the "cache" for real with the use of "pause" option (-p) 
and "verbose" option (-v).

"pause" option will wait 3 seconds between every step and "verbose" 
option (used once) will show you modified files.

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID sync -p -v

As you can see, every file/path/other being copied/updated/deleted is 
displayed and you have the time to read every step before it runs.

# ---

But, do not lie to yourself: you have noticed that it was slow... 
(although this is the expected behavior)

=> Syncing  - ctid:   666 - sync_data - 2020-09-16_00-04-39 - time:    
1m13s - speed:     *10 MB/s*

By default, OVZDB will always copy data at 100 Mbits/s.

This was a (very bad) design mistake made 5 years ago when I was 
struggling with Proxmox 3, simfs layout and LVM2 snapshots over very 
slow HDDdrives.

At this time, Proxmox was using OpenVZ "Legacy" kernel before dropping 
it in order to use LXC/LXD.

I do not use LXC/LXD because it lacks some functionalities I need. 
Nevertheless, this techno is very promising so I check their progress 
once in a while.

Back in the past: my goal was to be able to make backups without 
stressing the host. It worked great but, nowadays, most of middle-end 
dedicated servers have SSD/NVME.

To correct that mistake, the "turbo" option (-t) was implemented: this 
name is simply a (stupid) joke because it only allows OVZBD to run at 
its normal speed.

# ---

Ok, let's run a backup in "auto" mode with "dry-run" option, "pause" 
option, "turbo" option and "verbose" option.

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID auto -d -p -t -v

As you can see, you are waiting before each step and no files is 
modified (this is normal: OVZDB "cache" is up to date).

# ---

Finally, this is it: now we want a "real" backup (only the "turbo" 
option is required to bypass all speed limitations).

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID auto -t

=> Backup   - ctid:   666 - live_plop - 2020-09-16_00-17-22 - time:      
21s - size:     570 MB (83%) - speed:      31 MB/s - suspend:      2.9s 
- memory:       6 MB (14%)

Backup succeed: it took 21 seconds to run, backup size is 83% of the 
total data of the CT, we got a "brute force" speed of 31 MB/s, CT was 
suspended almost 3 seconds and memory dump size is 14% of the total size 
of CRIU dump.

You may wonder why these "metrics" are so low, the reason is simple: all 
examples/tests are done - on purpose - on very low-end hardware (Atom 
D525 1.8 GHz) and a old 5400 rpm hard drive (Western Digital WD10JFCX).



However, here is some info in order to better understand the status line:

1) backup size of the first backup will always be "huge" because it 
needs to save all files
2) speed indicates bandwidth speed needed in order to compete with OVZDB 
(incremental/differential backup vs brute force copy)
3) suspend time, including memory dump extraction, is very dependent of 
apps running by the CT (CRIU tries to do its best but sometimes, it is 
just badly slow: any report will be appreciated!)

# ---

Now, let's do a second backup using "log level" set to 6 (notice), 
"quiet" option and "turbo" option.

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID auto -l 6 -q -t

=> Backup   - ctid:   666 - live_plop - 2020-09-16_01-00-30 - time:      
20s - size:       8 MB ( 1%) - speed:      34 MB/s - suspend:      2.0s 
- memory:       6 MB (14%)

Because this is the second backup, it will now only store differences, 
hence the backup size of 1% (8 MB) of the total CT data.

"log level" parameter let you decide how much detail you want to see 
(but for log files, level 9 (time) is always used in order to have a 
full view of operations)

# ---

We have tried "sync" mode (to fill OVZDB "cache"), "auto" mode (it 
selects the appropriate mode according CT status), but you can choose 
more precisely.

OVZDB provides three backup modes:

- "cold": if the container is running, it will be stopped, snapshotted, 
restarted and finally saved. This is most the most portable choice 
because only data matters

- "hold": if the container is running, it will save its data (snapshot) 
but without saving its RAM. It can be useful if you have, for instance, 
a big fat Varnish cache.

- "live": if the container is running, it will save both data and 
memory: this mode is very reliable if need to restore a CT on the 
same/similar hardware.

In short, "live" mode should be you preferred choice for every CT.

for instance, MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL will need their memory - when 
restored - in order to avoid corruption or database repair.

# ---

In the beginning, we briefly saw that "nocache" command could help: when 
doing a backup, files are copied but, most of the time, it is useless to 
store them in kernel cache.

In order to avoid that, you can use an "optimize" option, "-o 16" to be 
more precise.

It will detect and use "nocache" command in order to to preserve legit 
kernel page cache when creating a backup.

Let's run a final backup with "log level" to "notice", "quiet" (used 
twice), "turbo" and "optimize":

# openvz-diff-backups backup $CTID auto -l 6 -q -q -t -o 16

=> Backup   - ctid:   666 - live_plop - 2020-09-16_02-20-15 - time:      
21s - size:       8 MB ( 1%) - speed:      31 MB/s - suspend:      3.0s 
- memory:       6 MB (14%)

# ---

All options are displayed when running "openvz-diff-backups --help"

I will try to enhanced inline "documentation" ASAP.

# ---

 From now, you are able store your backups anywhere.

You just need to adjust "MASTER_SSH_PATH" in the config file (copy 
openvz-diff-backups.conf.sample to openvz-diff-backups.conf and modify it)

In part three, we will see how to restore/clone/duplicate containers.

If you have any question, feel free to ask: not sure I will be able to 
answer it but I will do my best.

Good night!:-)

Le 12/09/2020 à 02:20, tranxene50 a écrit :
> Hello!
> Here is the first part of a quick "survival" guide in order to start 
> off on the right foot with openvz-diff-backups (OVZDB for short).
> Please, be aware that English is not my native language. So, if you 
> see something weird, please quote the sentence and correct it.
> Equally, if something is not clear, quote and ask: I will try to 
> answer the best as I can.
> # ---------------------
> Firstly, you need to be aware that OVZDB use three 
> "hosts/locations/storages" and "navigate" through them:
> # ---------------------
> - SOURCE : "host" where OVZDB is installed
> Most of the time, this is the server on which OpenVZ is running the 
> containers you want to backup.
> But it can be any *nix system (with Bash/OpenSSH/rsync) in order to 
> replicate (upload or download) backups between REMOTE and MASTER.
> Everything works over SSH as follow: SOURCE -> SSH key 1 -> MASTER -> 
> SSH key 2 -> REMOTE
> # ---------------------
> - MASTER : *mandatory* "host" where backups are stored (copy A)
> Ideally, MASTER is a dedicated server/VPS/other because OVZDB relies 
> on IOPS and, the more RAM you will have to cache dentries and inodes, 
> the faster OVZDB will be.
> However, by default, backups are stored on the the same server 
> (MASTER_SSH_PATH="root at localhost:/home/backup/openvz-diff-backups").
> This is useful if you want to test ASAP or if you have a secondary 
> drive where backups can be stored (ex: sda for OpenVZ, sdb for backups).
> In this case, SOURCE will communicate with MASTER (both being on the 
> same server) using SSH through localhost: as soon as "ssh -p 22 
> root at" gives you a shell without asking for a password, you 
> are done.
> On the contrary, if MASTER is a distant host (recommended), you need 
> to adjust MASTER_SSH_PATH parameter.
> Ex: 
> MASTER_SSH_PATH="root at backup.my-server.net:/any-absolute-path-you-want"(trailing 
> slash is not needed and "backup.my-server.net" will always be resolved 
> to its IPV4 or IPV6 address)
> If you need to use a SSH port different from 22, please see 
> MASTER_SSH_OPTIONS parameter in config file (openvz-diff-backups.conf).
> # ---------------------
> - REMOTE : *optional* host where backups are replicated (copy B)
> In order to secure backups, you may want to replicate them, if 
> possible, in a different geographical location.
> MASTER/REMOTE "hosts" can be anything as long as a *nix system is 
> present with a shell, OpenSSH (other SSH servers have not been tested 
> yet) and, the most important, rsync.
> This can be a big fat dedicated server, a large VPS, a medium instance 
> in the Cloud, a NAS at home or even - if someone is willing to test (I 
> didn't because mine is too old) - an Android smartphone...
> SOURCE "host" always requires a Bash shell but MASTER/REMOTE "hosts" 
> only need a shell (sh/dash/ash/etc) and OVZDB can also deal with 
> "Busybox" instead of using standard Unix tools.
> In short, OVZDB does not care and will run as long as the "host" can 
> handle it (which can take hours/days on very low-end hardware).
> # ---------------------
> From SOURCE, you can launch any task (more details in part 2):
> - backup task will "convert" containers present on SOURCE into backups 
> - restore task will "convert" backups present on MASTER into 
> containers on SOURCE
> - upload task will replicate backups present on MASTER to REMOTE (push)
> - download task will replicate backups present on REMOTE to MASTER (pull)
> - delete task will remove backups present on MASTER and/or REMOTE(you 
> choose)
> - destroy task will wipe "cache" present on MASTER and/or REMOTE (more 
> in part 2 because it is not intuitive)
> - update task will check and/or update OVZDB to its latest version 
> ("one-click" upgrade)
> # ---------------------
> Before going into details about each command, here are some use case 
> scenarios about backups:
> (to be shorter, I will not talk about migrating IP addresses, 
> adjusting firewalls, replacing a dedicated server and other things)
> - 1 server
> Your only choice is to store backups on the same server, if possible 
> on a secondary hard drive or, better, on an external hard drive.
> Long story short, if you are a believer, pray! ^^
> - 2 servers(one for prod, one for backup)
> If you have enough space, store backups on prod server (copy A) and 
> replicate them (push) on backup server (copy B).
> (or, better, on backup server, replicate backups using "pull" mode: 
> this is safer because it would require that both server are 
> compromised to loose all your backups)
> Then, use OVZDB on backup server and restore every container on a 
> daily basis to speed things in the event of an emergency "switch".
> This way, if prod server crash, you can restore containers on backup 
> server and, because most files are already synced, you will be online 
> again quickly.
> - 2 servers(both prod)
> If you have enough space (bis), store backups - of containers of each 
> prod server - locally (copy A) and replicate them on the other prod 
> server (copy B).
> (since both servers have root access to each other, using "pull" or 
> "push" modes are equals: if one server is compromised, you are screwed).
> Or, you can create OpenVZ containers on both servers to restrict 
> access to backups.
> This requires that prod A have no SSH keys in order to access to prod 
> B and inversely.
> Prod A will use container A to store its backups (same for prod B with 
> its container B) and then, you can use "pull" mode.
> Prod B will download backups from "restricted" container A and Prod A 
> will download backups from "restricted" container B (this way, if a 
> server is compromised, you still have backups).
> *WARNING: never, ever, store OVZDB backups in a container using Ploop 
> layout: it will get insanely fat and "ploop balloon discard" won't 
> help much*
> Instead, use bindfs to mount a directory from the host into the 
> container.
> Then, again on a regular basis, restore containers from prod A on prod 
> B and - you have guessed - restore containers from prod B on prod A.
> If one server crash, containers from the other server will be almost 
> ready to ready to start: just one final restore and you are "done".
> - 3 servers(one for prod, one for backup, one for rescue)
> Ideal but may be costly.
> Store backups on backup server (in a different data center) and 
> replicate them on rescue server (in a different geographical location).
> If backup server can handle the load of prod server, restore 
> containers regularly on it in order to be ready to "switch" ASAP on it 
> if prod crash.
> Rescue server can use "pull" mode to replicate backups (download): 
> this way, if prod and backup servers are compromised, you still have 
> backups.
> - 3 servers(two for prod, one for backup)
> If possible, store backups - of containers of each prod server - 
> locally (copy A) and replicate them on the other server (copy B).
> Then use backup server to "pull" backups (if prod A and B are 
> compromised, you still have backups).
> Or, but this is highly dangerous, store all backups from prod servers 
> on backup server (push).
> - 3 servers(all prod)
> See "2 servers(both prod)"
> - 4 servers(3 for prod, one for backup)
> See "3 servers(two for prod, one for backup)"
> - more than 4 servers
> At this point, I assume that you are using XFS or a distributed 
> filesystem (Ceph?).
> - more than 10 servers
> You know the drill, the only thing to know is that OVZDB needs IOPS 
> and RAM in order, for the kernel, to cache inodes/entries.
> And, if you have 10 Gbits network cards, consider syncing and 
> de-duplicating "root.hdd" using brute force. ^^
> # ---------------------
> This is all for today!
> Tomorrow, or later, I will explain each task: 
> backup/restore/delete/upload/download in more details.
tranxene50 at openvz-diff-backups.fr

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