[Users] vzctl command logging

Mark Johanson mjohanson at a2hosting.com
Sun Jul 13 10:34:15 PDT 2014


I was wondering if there was a logging level that would actually include the vzctl command (and options) in vzctl.log file?  I've tried increasing both the LOG_LEVEL and VERBOSE settings in the vz.conf file without any luck. I stopped upping the level on both at 6 as I figured by then if it wasn't there is probably wasn't going to be. 

Reason I am asking is we get the occasional one off vm creation that does not include the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc IP address they are assigned with. So we have to go back and manually add them. Its rare and far between that it happens, and I can not manually replicate it when I am trying to make it happen. The API call shows that everything was sent correctly in those logs, but since I can't see the actual vzctl command that was run at the time of creation I can't say for certain where the failure is at. 


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