[Users] Re: New Kernel Patch

Josip Rodin joy at entuzijast.net
Tue Jan 19 13:23:19 EST 2010

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 07:02:57PM +0100, Suno Ano wrote:
>  Scott> How much longer is the current version of Debian going to be
>  Scott> supported?
> If the RC bugs are down to a sane number the freeze for squeeze (next
> stable Debian release) is planned to happen in march. However, dates
> surrounding this event are still very fuzzy at this point.

Er, but with that you've just begun to start calculating the end-of-support
date. The testing distribution goes through periods of being frozen, and
only then new stable gets released. And then a year after *that* does the
old stable release gets its security updates abandoned. So if we assume that
the next release happens late this year, that means the current version
will cease to be supported late next year.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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