[Users] Re: Kernel panic in nf_conntrack_ipv6 IPv6 Firewall 2.6.27-aivazovsky

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at amorsen.dk
Tue Jan 20 06:15:08 EST 2009

"Michael H. Warfield" <mhw-BetbSzk+GohWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org>

> 	That doesn't make sense.  IPv6 is a higher layer protocol.   Switches
> will bridge and span based on MAC addresses on the link layer regardless
> of the IP layer version.  I have yet to see a switch not pass native
> IPv6 properly (much less tunneled IPv6 in all its myriad forms).

The problem generally isn't consumer switches, but high-end switches.
There has been at least one report of Juniper switches not bridging
IPv6 by default. (Supposedly fixed with a software upgrade.)

I haven't heard of switches which couldn't be made to forward IPv6
with the right configuration though.


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