[Users] Re: iptables -m recent does not work in the container

Aleksandar Ivanisevic aleksandar at ivanisevic.de
Tue Oct 14 11:31:34 EDT 2008

Stanichenko Marat
<mstanichenko at openvz.org> writes:

> please make sure that xt_state and ipt_recent modules are loaded on
> the HN.

they are, but im not sure if they were loaded before container was
booted, does it matter?

$ lsmod | grep '\(xt_state\|ipt_recent\)'
ipt_recent             13196  6 
xt_state                6144  3 
ip_conntrack           60356  4 xt_state,vzrst,ip_nat,vzcpt
x_tables               19204  12 ipt_recent,xt_state,xt_length,ipt_ttl,xt_tcpmss,ipt_TCPMSS,xt_multiport,xt_limit,ipt_tos,ipt_REJECT,xt_tcpudp,ip_tables

To sto si frustriran, zavidan tko zna na cemu i sto ne vidis dalje od
svoje guzice je tuzno. Da onda barem imas toliko samokontrole da
sutis umjesto da pravis budalu od sebe... izgleda da si prestar da se
promjenis na bolje. - Davor Pasaric, hr.comp.mac

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