[Users] time wait bucket table overflow

Cliff Wells cliff at develix.com
Tue Jan 15 13:10:40 EST 2008

I was doing some benchmarking with ab and noticed these in my syslog:

Jan 14 16:20:42 vps1 TCP: time wait bucket table overflow
Jan 14 16:20:42 vps1 TCP: time wait bucket table overflow
Jan 14 16:20:42 vps1 TCP: time wait bucket table overflow
Jan 14 16:20:42 vps1 TCP: time wait bucket table overflow
Jan 14 16:20:43 vps1 printk: 1060 messages suppressed.

Google turned up some info on this:


But I've already got that parameter turned up: 

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_tw_buckets_ub 

Is there somewhere else I should look? 

Note that the benchmarking I was doing was actually in the host OS, not
a VE.


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