[Users] Re: Patch to turn a centos-4 metadata into a centos-5 version

Chris Turan lists at christuran.com
Tue Jan 8 05:12:50 EST 2008

This is an updated version of my previous diff.  I missed documenting
a step in the first version.  This caused an error in the build process.

A binary and the diff are provided at:

This patch to convert a vanilla centos-4 metadata into one for centos-5.

Instructions to apply the patch:
1. mkdir /tmp/openvz
2. cd /tmp/openvz
3. wget 
4. wget http://www.neonhost.com/openvz/centos-5-metadata-v2.diff
5. tar xvjf vztmpl-centos-4.src.tar.bz2
6. mv centos-4 centos-5
7. cd centos-5
8. patch -p1 < ../centos-5-metadata-v2.diff
9. yum install createrepo
10. make clean
11. make rpms

If your arch is i386, the metadata rpm should now be located in:

- "kernel = 2.6.18" is needed to fix the "Error: initscripts conflicts 
with kernel < 2.6.12"
- udevd must be disabled when the vps starts up

I'd very much be interested in seeing this become an official
metadata template on openvz.org.  I'd like to get centos-5 out of the
user contrib area.

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