[Users] Re: mtu on venet interface?

Aleksandar Ivanisevic aleksandar at ivanisevic.de
Tue Dec 30 09:44:21 EST 2008

Stanichenko Marat
<mstanichenko at openvz.org> writes:

> Aleksandar Ivanisevic wrote on 29.12.2008 17:07:


>> Reboot is a restart of the VE, either by issuing "reboot" in the VE,
>> or vzctl stop/start/restart from the host.
> Why don't you use
> "ip link set venet0 mtu 1496" command in one of the startup scripts?

Thats what im doing now (not quite but basically), I thought there
might be a more elegant way, it can't be that noone never needed to
set the MTU on an interface before.

standard redhat way is to set MTU=1496 in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx, but openvz changes those
files on every startup, not exactly sure how.

To sto si frustriran, zavidan tko zna na cemu i sto ne vidis dalje od
svoje guzice je tuzno. Da onda barem imas toliko samokontrole da
sutis umjesto da pravis budalu od sebe... izgleda da si prestar da se
promjenis na bolje. - Davor Pasaric, hr.comp.mac

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