[Users] Dns resolution failure..

Jonathan Lambert j at firebright.com
Wed Jun 14 13:26:57 EDT 2006

Hey everyone:

Thanks for the suggestions below.  I tried both of them, but neither helped
(we had tried both before).  Just to show you, here is the command line test
for them:

[root at tamarancho ~]# vzctl set 12002 --nameserver --save
File resolv.conf was modified
Saved parameters for VPS 12002
[root at tamarancho ~]# vzctl set 12002 --nameserver --save
File resolv.conf was modified
Saved parameters for VPS 12002
[root at tamarancho ~]# vzctl set 12002 --nameserver --save
File resolv.conf was modified
Saved parameters for VPS 12002
[root at tamarancho ~]# vzctl enter 12002
entered into VPS 12002
bash-3.00# ping google.com
bash-3.00# traceroute yahoo.com
traceroute: unknown host yahoo.com
bash-3.00# wget google.com
--10:19:52--  http://google.com/
           => `index.html'
Resolving google.com... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
bash-3.00# grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
#hosts:     db files ldap nis dns
hosts:      files dns

I'm using he.net's name servers, which should work fine.  This doesn't
appear to be a "standard error" or we would have fixed it by now. ;-)

Any other suggestions?


On 6/14/06 5:26 AM, "Kir Kolyshkin" <kir at openvz.org> wrote:

> I suggest to turn on the dump mode and check that /etc/resolv.conf in a
> VE contains the same as on the hardware node. If not, use vzctl set VEID
> --nameserver x.x.x.x --save command.
> Next step is to try pinging the nameserver from inside a VE.

# grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts:        files dns 

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