[Devel] [PATCH vz9 v2] ploop: port and fix the standby mode feature.

Alexander Atanasov alexander.atanasov at virtuozzo.com
Wed Nov 2 14:51:25 MSK 2022


On 2.11.22 4:32, Kui Liu wrote:
> [LIU]:  QUEUE_FLAG_STANDBY bit MUST be cleared here, as it is the only place where
> the ploop device recovers from standby mode.  In our use case, once a ploop device enters standby
>   mode, the userspace will initiate recovery by replacing the top delta file without destroying
> the device, which is why the bit is clear in 'repalce_delta' in vz7.

static int ploop_replace_delta(struct ploop_device * plo, unsigned long arg)
         if (plo->maintenance_type != PLOOP_MNTN_OFF)
                 return -EBUSY;

If that is used to clear the flag then how is the case when the error 
occurs while in maintenace handled? I think we should address this too.

Alexander Atanasov

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