[Devel] [PATCH RHEL9 COMMIT] FD: dm-ploop: swap speed limit for Containers

Konstantin Khorenko khorenko at virtuozzo.com
Fri Mar 25 21:02:20 MSK 2022

The commit is pushed to "branch-rh9-5.14.0-42.vz9.14.x-ovz" and will appear at https://src.openvz.org/scm/ovz/vzkernel.git
after rh9-5.14.0-42.vz9.14.4
commit d01da09a1ecccea8eac2dab0352a6f426dd429a8
Author: Konstantin Khorenko <khorenko at virtuozzo.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 20:59:25 2022 +0300

    FD: dm-ploop: swap speed limit for Containers
    Signed-off-by: Konstantin Khorenko <khorenko at virtuozzo.com>
    Feature: dm-ploop: swap speed limit for Containers
 .../dm-ploop-swap_speed_limit_for_Containers.rst   | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 136 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/Virtuozzo/FeatureDescriptions/dm-ploop-swap_speed_limit_for_Containers.rst b/Documentation/Virtuozzo/FeatureDescriptions/dm-ploop-swap_speed_limit_for_Containers.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca041283f179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Virtuozzo/FeatureDescriptions/dm-ploop-swap_speed_limit_for_Containers.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+dm-ploop: swap speed limit for Containers
+DRAFT. Userspace part not implemented yet.
+The idea of this feature: limit the Container swap speed limit to mitigate
+possible Hardware Node DDoS.
+What if a Container creates a nested memory cgroup and configures it as
+  * memory.limit_in_bytes = 1Mb
+  * memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes = $CT_MEM_SIZE_LIMIT
+and run memeaters inside it. This usecase will result in significant physical
+swap usage on the Node, slowing down the Hardware Node.
+If there are several such Container - they might influence significantly on the
+overall Hardware Node performance.
+High level implementation description:
+Userspace (vzctl) on a Container start should find block devices where swap
+resides (there could be multiple devices) and configure blkio cgroup of a
+Container being started - to limit IO for that block device.
+IO/IOPS limits is suggested to set as 1/4th of average SSD total throughput.
+Note 1: we need to set limit for CT swap speed for the top block device, not
+for a partition which is normally used for swap device, this is a kernel
+Note 2: we've hacked kernel so if ploop images reside on the same block device
+(on a different partition, for example), blkio cgroup settings available on the
+top block device do not affect io to ploop device.
+As we understand the default 1/4th of io/iops of an average SSD throughput can
+be easily not applicable for some nodes, there should be some settings in
+vz.conf and in per-CT config for tweaking Containers swap speed limits,
+including global option "on/off" per-CT.
+Kernel changes:
+ploop: allow to disable css inheritance in kthread
+We want to control swap and ploop i/o rate even if they are sharing
+same physical disk. For this sake we need to disable css association
+when pio is sent to kthread for further processing.
+Usual schema is the following:
+ # [root at vzl ~]# lsblk
+ # vda              253:0     0   60G  0 disk
+ # ├─vda1           253:1     0    1M  0 part
+ # ├─vda2           253:2     0    1G  0 part /boot
+ # ├─vda3           253:3     0  3.9G  0 part [SWAP]
+ # └─vda4           253:4     0   55G  0 part
+ #   ├─vhs_vzl-root 250:0     0 15.7G  0 lvm  /
+ #   └─vhs_vzl-vz   250:1     0 39.3G  0 lvm  /vz
+ # ploop7186        250:7186  0   10G  0 dm
+ # └─ploop7186p1    250:2     0   10G  0 dm   /vz/root/100
+Since we can't setup limit for vda3 partition only (due to kernel
+architecture), instead we assign a limit for the whole vda disk
+from inside of container's block cgroup. Without the patch the
+same limit applies to ploop7186 device as well. Thus to break
+a tie we drop kthread's association and may setup a separate
+limit for ploop device in a similar way (ie from inside container
+block cgroup).
+Note: for backward compatibility reason this feature is turned off
+by default and "nokblkcg" argument is required for dmsetup utility
+to untie the association.
+Command line example::
+  # dmsetup create dm_ploop -j $major -m 5 --table "0 $sectors ploop 11 nokblkcg ${fds}"
+Once set up one can adjust io limits for $veid container executing
+the following commands on the Node::
+  #
+  # #swap 1 mbs
+  # echo “253:0 1000000” > \
+      /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/machine.slice/$veid/blkio.throttle.read_bps_device
+  # echo “253:0 1000000” > \
+      /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/machine.slice/$veid/blkio.throttle.write_bps_device
+  #
+  # #ploop 10 mbs
+  # echo “250:7186 10000000” > \
+      /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/machine.slice/$veid/blkio.throttle.read_bps_device
+  # echo “250:7186 10000000” > \
+      /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/machine.slice/$veid/blkio.throttle.write_bps_device
+Useful script for making a ploop device for testing::
+  #!/bin/bash
+  set -x
+  major=`cat /proc/devices | grep device-mapper | awk '{print $1}'`
+  top_delta="${@:$#}"
+  sectors=`dd if=$top_delta skip=36 bs=1 count=8 status=none | \
+           hexdump -n 8 -e '2/4 "%08X " "\n"' | \
+           awk '{print $2$1}'`
+  sectors=$(( 16#$sectors ))
+  echo sectors=$sectors
+  for file in "$@"; do
+          if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
+                  echo "$file does not exist"
+                  exit 1
+          fi
+          exec {fd}<>$file || exit 1
+          fds+="$fd "
+  done
+  dmsetup create dm_ploop -j $major -m 5 --table "0 $sectors ploop 11 nokblkcg ${fds}"
+Script argument - path to the ploop image file, for example::
+  /vz/private/100/root.hdd/root.hds

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