[Devel] Contribution to a new and official Web UI to OpenVZ

Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT paulocoghi at gmail.com
Wed May 15 14:17:28 MSK 2019

Thanks for the information, Alexander!

I will follow your recommendation, and use the C version of Virtuozzo SDK
as a native code inside the NodeJS SDK.

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:46 AM Alexander Kurbatov <
alkurbatov at virtuozzo.com> wrote:

> Hi, Paulo,
> prlctl uses Virtuozzo SDK inside.
> If you plan to use nodejs, I would recommend to wrap existing Virtuozzo
> SDK into native code, e.g. like it is done here:
> https://github.com/matortheeternal/s2js
> Such approach is much faster (comparing to cmdline execution) and provides
> better flexibility.
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