[Devel] [PATCH] vz7: service: Allow keep_open flag for a WAIT_PID command #PSBM-58198

Pavel Vokhmyanin pvokhmyanin at virtuozzo.com
Fri Nov 10 13:45:55 MSK 2017

WAIT_PID rpc command is necessary to wait on a page server and retrieve
its exit code. Keep_open flag is essential for this command - we need
RPC server to keep running after processing WAIT_PID in order to handle
next iteration of a pre-dump. Patch whitelists WAIT_PID command for
keep_open flag.

Signed-off-by: Pavel Vokhmyanin <pvokhmyanin at virtuozzo.com>

Pavel Vokhmyanin
Software Developer, Virtualization Maintenance

Otradnaya street 2b/9, "Otradnoe" Techno Park | Moscow | Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 139 80 17, ext 77449  | pvokhmyanin at virtuozzo.com<mailto:pvokhmyanin at virtuozzo.com>
Skype: pvokhmyanin


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