[Devel] [PATCH 0/2] A fix for ve_mount_allowed (PSBM-42825)

Evgenii Shatokhin eshatokhin at virtuozzo.com
Tue Jan 12 05:11:30 PST 2016


The following patches are needed to fix a problem in ve_mount_allowed
(https://jira.sw.ru/browse/PSBM-42825) and to make debugging of such
issues a bit easier.

The first patch fixes signed/unsigned mismatch in ve_mount_allowed()
that lead to problems. The second one makes sure a message is output 
to the kernel log if a VE hits its mount limit.

The patches are for vzkernel from VZ7 beta3 (that is, 3.10.0-229.7.2.*).
If they are OK, I can adapt the patches to the rebased kernel as well.


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