[Devel] Re: [PATCH 2/2] [RFC] Add c/r support for connected INET sockets

John Dykstra john.dykstra1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 11:10:08 PDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 10:34 -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
> JD> Yep.  It sort of messes up your separation between layers, though.
> In what way?  It's just this:

I just meant that you're peeking into the checkpointed sk data before
you create the new sk.  In so much of your code, you manage to restore
structs as a whole, without peeking first.

> Which seems like a why-didn't-I-do-that-in-the-first-place sort of
> thing...   Am I missing something?

Not anything that I see.  

  --  John

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