[Devel] Re: network namespace ipv6 perfs

Benjamin Thery benjamin.thery at bull.net
Mon Mar 3 06:42:03 PST 2008

Daniel Lezcano wrote:
> Hi,
> Some performance tests was made by Benjamin to watch out the impact of 
> the network namespace. The good news is there is no impact when used 
> with or without namespaces. That has been checked using a real network 
> device inside a network namespace.
> These results are consistent with the ones previously made for ipv4.
> http://lxc.sourceforge.net/network/bench_ipv6_graph.php
> Thanks to Benjamin who did all the performance tests :)

In these results, may be, there is one thing that should be explained.
It is the CPU utilization overhead in the 'veth' case.

Compared to physical devices or macvlan, veth interfaces don't benefit
from hardware offloading mechanisms: i.e. checksums have to be computed
by the soft. That explains the big overhead in CPU utilization when
using this kind of virtual interface.


> Regards
>     -- Daniel
> Sauf indication contraire ci-dessus:
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B e n j a m i n   T h e r y  - BULL/DT/Open Software R&D

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