[Devel] [vzctl] exec early script at start

Yoann Moulin ymo at adviseo.fr
Thu Jan 17 08:07:36 PST 2008

> I'm not very familiar with this syntaxes but I think it can be done 
> similarly :
> snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), VPS_CONF_DIR "%d.%s", veid,
>         START_PREFIX);
> if (stat_file(buf)) {
>         if (vps_exec_script(h, veid, res->fs.root, NULL, NULL,
>                 buf, NULL, 0))
>         {
>                 ret = VZ_ACTIONSCRIPT_ERROR;
>                 goto err;
>         }
> }
> I'm investigate more into the code, and refresh some C knowledge to 
> understand this

it's not possible to use vps_exec_script due to the script is execute
inside the VE and the script I want to execute is here to prepare the root
environnement by removing the old dir, populate the new dir and configure
services with cfengine tools.


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