[Devel] [vzctl] exec early script at start

Yoann Moulin ymo at adviseo.fr
Mon Jan 14 07:40:33 PST 2008


>> I didn't do C for a while, so I'm not sure I'll be able to do 
>> something simple and safe.
>> I'm available to compile and test this until the openvz server should 
>> be production at the end of next week... but I'll take the time to do 
>> all the test we need before.
>> If some can help me on this issue.
> I have patched env.c to be able to execute a script before starting a VE
> I don't know if it is the best way to do that, but it work for what I need

I had no feed back on this patch, is it will be applied ? or maybe nobody
need this but me ?

I don't know if it'is possible to do this better, or add a better security
check, but as I said in my first mail, I don't developed in C for a while


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