[Devel] Guidance required...

Khyati Sanghvi khyatibsanghvi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 20:26:49 PDT 2007


I have joint devel list recently. I want to contribute to OpenVZ. I have
read few papers on openVZ and one of the papers "Performance Evaluation of
Virtualization Technologies for Server Consolidation" ( HP Labs) -  says
that ,  "For OpenVZ, there is no existing tool to directly measure the CPU
consumption by a particular container. We use the data provided from
/proc/vz/vestat to measure the amount of CPU time spent by a particular
VE." also on wiki - roadmap one topic suggested is "fix broken loadavg/cpu
usage statistics" - According to my understanding both refers to same. But
when I used top in VPSs, it worked and gave CPU usage statistics for
particular VPS. So I doubt the problem is already solved?

Can anybody guide me that is this problem solved? If No, can somebody
elaborate this problem?

It that problem is already solved, please suggest me some small staring

Thanks in advance,

Khyati Sanghvi

M.Tech Student,

IIITB - India.
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