[Devel] Re: [ckrm-tech] [RFC] Resource Management - Infrastructure choices

Paul Jackson pj at sgi.com
Mon Oct 30 07:18:38 PST 2006

Pavel wrote:
> >> 3. Configfs may be easily implemented later as an additional
> >>    interface. I propose the following solution:
> >>      ...
> >
> Resource controller has nothing common with confgifs.
> That's the same as if we make netfilter depend on procfs.

Well ... if you used configfs as an interface to resource
controllers, as you said was easily done, then they would
have something to do with each other, right ;)?

Choose the right data structure for the job, and then reuse
what fits for that choice.

Neither avoid nor encouraging code reuse is the key question.

What's the best fit, long term, for the style of kernel-user
API, for this use?  That's the key question.

                  I won't rest till it's the best ...
                  Programmer, Linux Scalability
                  Paul Jackson <pj at sgi.com> 1.925.600.0401

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