[Devel] [PATCH] gentoo vz.initd ve0 setup

Kir Kolyshkin kir at openvz.org
Wed Jun 21 02:59:29 PDT 2006

The attached patch adds VE0 setup functionality to /etc/init.d/vz script 
for Gentoo. This will work with vzctl >= 3.0.10.

Changes are mimicking those in this changeset:

The idea is to let the user set VE0 (hardware node) UBC parameters if he 
likes to. To that effect, he should edit
/etc/vz/conf/0.conf and set ONBOOT=yes, and then set the appropriate 
parameters. To apply, new option --reset_ub of vzctl set command is used.

I tried to use your coding style.

Please apply.
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