[Devel] [PATCH] fdset's leakage

Kirill Korotaev dev at openvz.org
Mon Jul 10 06:40:51 PDT 2006


Another patch from Alexey Kuznetsov fixing memory leak in alloc_fdtable().

[PATCH] fdset's leakage

When found, it is obvious. nfds calculated when allocating fdsets
is rewritten by calculation of size of fdtable, and when we are
unlucky, we try to free fdsets of wrong size.

Found due to OpenVZ resource management (User Beancounters).

Signed-Off-By: Alexey Kuznetsov <kuznet at ms2.inr.ac.ru>
Signed-Off-By: Kirill Korotaev <dev at openvz.org>

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