[Devel] Patch for vzctl-3.0.10.tar.bz2 on Debian Sarge systems

Mario Enrico Ragucci mario at ragucci.de
Mon Jul 3 05:46:33 PDT 2006

Hi all,

I experienced some problems while creating a .deb file with 'fakeroot
debian/rules binary' and installing it with dpkg -i.

Therefore I created a small diff file which you'll find attached to this

Those are the changes I made:
- Path /var/lock/subsys does not exist on "clean" installations
  Modified preinst script to create path (if not there)
  Modified postrm script to remote path (only during purge)
- debian/control file was modified. vzkernel is no more dependency,
  this isn't an official packet at Debian repositories
  Also I added a dependency for libc6
- src/Makefile contained an error in line 221, fixed

Hope you find the modifications useful. Keep up the great work!


Mario Ragucci
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