[Devel] Re: [RFC][PATCH 1/5] Virtualization/containers: startup

Sam Vilain sam at vilain.net
Mon Feb 6 16:28:08 PST 2006

Linus Torvalds wrote:
> So if some people don't like "container", how about just calling it 
> "context"? The downside of that name is that it's very commonly used in 
> the kenel, because a lot of things have "contexts". That's why "container" 
> would be a lot better.
> I'd suggest
> 	current->container	- the current EFFECTIVE container
> 	current->master_container - the "long term" container.
> (replace "master" with some other non-S&M term if you want)

Hmm.  You actually need a linked list, otherwise you have replaced a one
level flat structure with a two level one, and you miss out on some of
the applications.  VServer uses a special structure for this.


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