[Devel] [PATCH, try3, 0/3] Separate logfile and console loglevel

Igor Sukhih igor at sw.ru
Thu Dec 7 03:31:49 PST 2006

Kristian F. HЬgh wrote:
> On Thursday den 7. December 2006 09:45, Igor Sukhih wrote:
>> Kristian HЬgh wrote:
>>> Separate logfile and console loglevel
>>> The separation is implemented as follows
>>> 1:  split --verbose from LOG_LEVEL
>>>     verbose and LOG_LEVEL are both 0 as default
>>>     --verbose will not affect LOG_LEVEL and vice versa
>> Is standard command line syntax supported --verbose[=]<id> ?
> No. Will fix.
> = is requied for <id>
>>> 2: Make --verbose accept optional value. Add VERBOSE to vz.conf
>>>     VERBOSE=0 as default
>>>     --verbose[=value]
>>>         Increase or set the logging level.
>>>         No arguments will increase the current value by one.
>> I don't like introducing the VERBOSE parameter. Why do you need so
>> complex setup LOG_LEVEL, VERBOSE, --verbose?
>> If you need to limit console verbosity use --verbose <id> command line
>> option, by default console_level = log_level.
> I would like more info in the logfile and a more quiet console.
> To do that it is necessary to set LOG_LEVEL to 1 and then use --verbose=0
> each time I invoke vzctl.
> I think it is more complex :-)
In you implementation you should use this syntax anytime, because of 
logging design
There are 3 logging levels
-1 - error
 0 - info (default)
 > 0 - debug
thus vzctl start do print all info messages on VE start due to start 
stages 1) VE creation 2) VE setup
and you see so called 'noise' messages

If you will setup VERBOSE=0, LOG_LEVEL=1 then any VE setup command 
(vzctl set VEID) will display nothing.
because of noise messages.


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