[Devel] [PATCH, try3, 0/3] Separate logfile and console loglevel

Kristian F. Høgh kfh at segtel.dk
Thu Dec 7 02:42:25 PST 2006

On Thursday den 7. December 2006 09:45, Igor Sukhih wrote:
> Kristian HЬgh wrote:
> > Separate logfile and console loglevel
> > The separation is implemented as follows
> >
> > 1:  split --verbose from LOG_LEVEL
> >     verbose and LOG_LEVEL are both 0 as default
> >     --verbose will not affect LOG_LEVEL and vice versa
> Is standard command line syntax supported --verbose[=]<id> ?
No. Will fix.
= is requied for <id>

> > 2: Make --verbose accept optional value. Add VERBOSE to vz.conf
> >     VERBOSE=0 as default
> >     --verbose[=value]
> >         Increase or set the logging level.
> >         No arguments will increase the current value by one.
> I don't like introducing the VERBOSE parameter. Why do you need so
> complex setup LOG_LEVEL, VERBOSE, --verbose?
> If you need to limit console verbosity use --verbose <id> command line
> option, by default console_level = log_level.
I would like more info in the logfile and a more quiet console.
To do that it is necessary to set LOG_LEVEL to 1 and then use --verbose=0
each time I invoke vzctl.
I think it is more complex :-)

> > 3: Make verbose=0 more quiet
> >     Raise default LOG_LEVEL to 2 and VERBOSE to 1
> >     Raise some logger(0, ...)
> >     No logger() above 3
> I don't see the reason to change default LOG_LEVEL, level > 0 usually
> used for debug, all
I think level 0 is used for "debug" today.
When starting a VE using LOG_LEVEL=0, I get 10 lines of output.
I think "Running VE script: /etc/vz/dists/..." is debug.

The only(?) way I see to make level 0 more quiet is to raise "noise" [0]
to level 1 (and "Running VE script: ..." to level 2).
If LOG_LEVEL is raised to 1 the output should be the same as today level 0.
(Except "Running VE script: ...")

--quiet is to quiet.

[0] "Noise" when starting VE using level 0:
  Setting CPU limit: 50
  Setting CPU units: 1000
  Configure meminfo: 10240
  2 * "Running VE script: /etc/vz/dists/..."

> error messages are not controlled by --verbose, LOG_LEVEL and will be
> displayed any way.
> So if we only introduce  --verbose <id> command line option  is it not
> enough for  you?
No, only if "noise" is moved to level 1.

> --
>     Igor.

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