[Devel] Proc statistic interface for venet

Julian Haupt julian.haupt at gmx.de
Mon Apr 10 10:48:46 PDT 2006


i've already started a thread in the discussion forum about this patch 

This patch is going to create a new proc file named "vz/venetstat" which 
an direct interface to the _venet_devs statistic values. This can be 
easily used to do traffic accounting.

I'm a little bit confused about the "disable_net" value. It seems to me 
that it has been deleted in the
most up-to-date patch. Can you give me any information why it has been 

Has this patch a chance to be included in the official openvz kernel?
I'm also willing to write the documentation part for the user manual, if 
this patch is being included.

I'm currently thinking about two other patches:
1. A "network quota" patch for the kernel and userspace tools
2. When VPS is rebooted a printk should be issued with the values of 
venet counters

What do you think about it?

I'm relatively new in writing linux kernel code, so please have an extra 
look on my code...

Best regards,

Julian Haupt
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