[CRIU] Dump and restore: restored process dies/exits

Róbert Kohányi kohanyi.robert at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 00:27:07 MSK 2020

Hi All,

I'm doing a C/R of a Docker container running a NodeJS app making network
calls (like this: https://criu.org/Docker_External - I know it's
discouraged, please read on).

I can successfully dump the process running in the container (the container
is stopped after this) and (seemingly) I can restore the process
successfully too (criu reports it that it was successful).

When the restore is finished the process is started, but it exits/dies
immediately for some reason. I can see this because I log to file from the
NodeJS process itself and logging continue after the process gets restored
(I also listen for an 'exit' event on the NodeJS process and it exists with
code 1).

What could be the problem? I can see that there's an Error message in the
restore.log (I've attached the dump and restore logs), but I can't make
sense of it, unfortunately. ("Error (criu/net.c:1241): Unknown peer net

I can do the same thing with docker checkpoint and docker start
--checkpoint and it works flawlessly. I do all of this in a virtual
environment, running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (this box
<https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/bionic64>). Docker version
19.03.7, CRIU 3.13.

Thanks for any input.

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