[CRIU] Fix warning reported by openSUSE's OBS (Open Build Service)

Avindra Goolcharan aavindraa at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 04:11:58 MSK 2017


Please find the following patch attached, which removes the shebang

        -#!/bin/env python2

from a single file: ( ./lib/py/images/images.py )

If I am understanding things correctly, images.py can never be
executed on it's own (i.e., via "./images.py"), so having the shebang
is superfluous.

It's a relatively trivial thing but would be nice to have this.

Here, you can see the build result for the suse rpm is clean:


The failures on travis appear to be unrelated, but I'd appreciate a
pair of more finely tuned eyes there:


Thanks for reading.


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