[CRIU] [PATCH] crit: RSS explorer

Pavel Emelyanov xemul at virtuozzo.com
Thu Apr 13 08:26:36 PDT 2017

When running 'cirt x dir rss' one will see the way pagemap chunks
are scatered across the VMs of processes. Sample output from the
env00 zdtm test is

	400000 / 1              00400000 / 5        /root/criu/test/zdtm/static/env00

	604000 / 2              00604000 / 1        /root/criu/test/zdtm/static/env00
	                        00605000 / 1        /root/criu/test/zdtm/static/env00

	853000 / 1              00853000 / 33

	7faba2d4b000 / 6        7faba2d4b000 / 4        /usr/lib64/libc-2.22.so
	                        7faba2d4f000 / 2        /usr/lib64/libc-2.22.so

	7faba2d51000 / 2        7faba2d51000 / 4

	7faba2d54000 / 1        ~

	7faba2f64000 / 3        7faba2f64000 / 3

	7faba2f74000 / 1        7faba2f74000 / 1

	7faba2f75000 / 2        7faba2f75000 / 1        /usr/lib64/ld-2.22.so
	                        7faba2f76000 / 1        /usr/lib64/ld-2.22.so

	7faba2f77000 / 1        7faba2f77000 / 1

	7fffb4de3000 / 3        7fffb4de2000 / 70

	7fffb4e24000 / 2        ~

	7fffb4e27000 / 1        ~

	7fffb4f6a000 / 2        7fffb4f6a000 / 2

Signed-off-by: Pavel Emelyanov <xemul at virtuozzo.com>
 crit/crit | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crit/crit b/crit/crit
index 8b1e19b..a6a6832 100755
--- a/crit/crit
+++ b/crit/crit
@@ -212,7 +212,42 @@ def explore_mems(opts):
 			print "\t%-36s%s%s" % (astr, prot, fn)
-explorers = { 'ps': explore_ps, 'fds': explore_fds, 'mems': explore_mems }
+def explore_rss(opts):
+	ps_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pstree.img'))
+	for p in ps_img['entries']:
+		pid = p['pid']
+		vmas = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'mm-%d.img' % pid))['entries'][0]['vmas']
+		pms = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pagemap-%d.img' % pid))['entries']
+		print "%d" % pid
+		vmi = 0
+		pvmi = -1
+		for pm in pms[1:]:
+			pstr = '\t%lx / %-8d' % (pm['vaddr'], pm['nr_pages'])
+			while vmas[vmi]['end'] <= pm['vaddr']:
+				vmi += 1
+			pme = pm['vaddr'] + (pm['nr_pages'] << 12)
+			vstr = ''
+			while vmas[vmi]['start'] < pme:
+				vma = vmas[vmi]
+				if vmi == pvmi:
+					vstr += ' ~'
+				else:
+					vstr += ' %08lx / %-8d' % (vma['start'], (vma['end'] - vma['start'])>>12)
+					if vma['status'] & ((1 << 6) | (1 << 7)):
+						vstr += ' ' + get_file_str(opts, {'type': 'REG', 'id': vma['shmid']})
+					pvmi = vmi
+				vstr += '\n\t%23s' % ''
+				vmi += 1
+			vmi -= 1
+			print '%-24s%s' % (pstr, vstr)
+explorers = { 'ps': explore_ps, 'fds': explore_fds, 'mems': explore_mems, 'rss': explore_rss }
 def explore(opts):
@@ -258,7 +293,7 @@ def main():
 	# Explore
 	x_parser = subparsers.add_parser('x', help = 'explore image dir')
-	x_parser.add_argument('what', choices = [ 'ps', 'fds', 'mems' ])
+	x_parser.add_argument('what', choices = [ 'ps', 'fds', 'mems', 'rss'])
 	# Show

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