[CRIU] phual - restore failed

赖涛 laitao at pku.edu.cn
Tue Sep 27 23:33:38 PDT 2016

when i use the phaul,the dump is success,but restore is fail:
this is the restore log:
(00.000154) Pagemap is fully functional
(00.000191) Found task size of 7ffffffff000
(00.000276) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000378) vdso: Parsing at 7fff4ac84000 7fff4ac86000
(00.000384) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: 0
(00.000386) vdso: DT_HASH: 120
(00.000387) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 268
(00.000389) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 160
(00.000390) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 5e
(00.000392) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 18
(00.000393) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain b bucket 7fff4ac84128 chain 7fff4ac84134
(00.000398) vdso: rt [vdso] 7fff4ac84000-7fff4ac86000 [vvar] 7fff4ac86000-7fff4ac88000
(00.000428) Reading image tree
(00.000453) Add mnt ns 5 pid 14008
(00.000463) Migrating process tree (GID 14008->12100 SID 12487->12078)
(00.000465) Will restore in 0 namespaces
(00.000467) NS mask to use 0
(00.000475) Collecting 39/18 (flags 1)
(00.000510) Collected [dev/pts/12] ID 0x1
(00.000519) Collected [usr/bin/perl] ID 0x2
(00.000521) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypt-2.19.so] ID 0x3
(00.000524) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread-2.19.so] ID 0x4
(00.000526) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm-2.19.so] ID 0x5
(00.000528) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl-2.19.so] ID 0x6
(00.000531) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so] ID 0x7
(00.000533) Collected [usr/lib/libperl.so.5.18.2] ID 0x8
(00.000535) Collected [lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so] ID 0x9
(00.000538) Collected [usr/lib/locale/locale-archive] ID 0xa
(00.000540) Collected [root/criu-demo] ID 0xb
(00.000542) Collected [.] ID 0xc
(00.000547)  `- ... done
(00.000549) Collecting 52/55 (flags 0)
(00.000556) No remap-fpath.img image
(00.000559)  `- ... done
(00.000565) Collecting 42/21 (flags 0)
(00.000569) No inetsk.img image
(00.000571)  `- ... done
(00.000629) cg: Preparing cgroups yard (cgroups restore mode 0x4)
(00.000734) cg: Opening .criu.cgyard.WWuSgM as cg yard
(00.000755) cg:         Making controller dir .criu.cgyard.WWuSgM/systemd (none,name=systemd)
(00.000798) cg: Determined cgroup dir systemd/user/0.user/94.session already exist
(00.000802) cg: Skip restoring properties on cgroup dir systemd/user/0.user/94.session
(00.000820) Running pre-restore scripts
(00.000824)     RPC
(00.001144) No mountpoints-5.img image
(00.001150) mnt: Reading mountpoint images (id 5 pid 14008)
(00.001190) Forking task with 14008 pid (flags 0x0)
(00.001315) PID: real 14009 virt 14008
(00.001382) Wait until namespaces are created
(00.001408) Error (cr-restore.c:1623): Pid 14009 do not match expected 14008
(00.016690) Error (cr-restore.c:1384): 14009 exited, status=1
(00.016762) Error (cr-restore.c:2226): Restoring FAILED.
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