[CRIU] [PATCH 03/11] soccr: add support for half-closed sockets

Pavel Emelyanov xemul at virtuozzo.com
Tue Nov 22 03:47:52 PST 2016

On 11/22/2016 04:45 AM, Andrei Vagin wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 10:36:29PM +0300, Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
>> On 11/11/2016 10:10 AM, Andrei Vagin wrote:
>>> From: Andrei Vagin <avagin at virtuozzo.com>
>>> A socket is in one of half-closed states, if it sent a fin packet
>>> or it received a fin packet.
>>> CRIU plays with fin packets to restore half-closed states too.
>>> When we need to sent a fin packet from a socket, we can call
>>> shutdown(SHUT_WR). When a fin packet has to be restore in
>>> a received queue, criu generate a fin packet and send it via
>>> a raw ip socket.
>>> A raw packet is sent with the SOCCR_MARK mark to be able
>>> to not block it.
>>> Signed-off-by: Andrei Vagin <avagin at virtuozzo.com>
>>> ---
>>>  criu/Makefile.packages |   2 +-
>>>  soccr/soccr.c          | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>  soccr/soccr.h          |  18 +++++-
>>>  3 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/criu/Makefile.packages b/criu/Makefile.packages
>>> index 53fbdae..886394f 100644
>>> --- a/criu/Makefile.packages
>>> +++ b/criu/Makefile.packages
>>> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ REQ-DEB-PKG-NAMES	+= libcap-dev
>>>  REQ-DEB-PKG-TEST-NAMES  += libaio-dev
>>> -export LIBS		+= -lrt -lpthread -lprotobuf-c -ldl -lnl-3 -lsoccr -Lsoccr/
>>> +export LIBS		+= -lrt -lpthread -lprotobuf-c -ldl -lnl-3 -lsoccr -Lsoccr/ -lnet
>>>  check-packages-failed:
>>>  	$(warning Can not find some of the required libraries)
>>> diff --git a/soccr/soccr.c b/soccr/soccr.c
>>> index 7c6bfb1..af39eda 100644
>>> --- a/soccr/soccr.c
>>> +++ b/soccr/soccr.c
>>> @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
>>>  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
>>>  #include <errno.h>
>>>  #include <linux/sockios.h>
>>> +#include <libnet.h>
>>> +#include <assert.h>
>>> +
>>>  #include "soccr.h"
>>>  #ifndef SIOCOUTQNSD
>>> @@ -11,6 +14,20 @@
>>>  #define SIOCOUTQNSD     0x894B
>>>  #endif
>>> +enum {
>>> +        TCPF_ESTABLISHED = (1 << 1),
>>> +        TCPF_SYN_SENT    = (1 << 2),
>>> +        TCPF_SYN_RECV    = (1 << 3),
>>> +        TCPF_FIN_WAIT1   = (1 << 4),
>>> +        TCPF_FIN_WAIT2   = (1 << 5),
>>> +        TCPF_TIME_WAIT   = (1 << 6),
>>> +        TCPF_CLOSE       = (1 << 7),
>>> +        TCPF_CLOSE_WAIT  = (1 << 8),
>>> +        TCPF_LAST_ACK    = (1 << 9),
>>> +        TCPF_LISTEN      = (1 << 10),
>>> +        TCPF_CLOSING     = (1 << 11),
>>> +};
>>> +
>>>  static void (*log)(unsigned int loglevel, const char *format, ...)
>>>  	__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
>>>  static unsigned int log_level = 0;
>>> @@ -89,6 +106,11 @@ static int refresh_sk(struct libsoccr_sk *sk, struct libsoccr_sk_data *data, str
>>>  	switch (ti->tcpi_state) {
>>> +	case TCP_FIN_WAIT1:
>>> +	case TCP_FIN_WAIT2:
>>> +	case TCP_LAST_ACK:
>>> +	case TCP_CLOSE_WAIT:
>>> +	case TCP_CLOSING:
>>>  	case TCP_CLOSE:
>>>  		break;
>>>  	default:
>>> @@ -96,7 +118,7 @@ static int refresh_sk(struct libsoccr_sk *sk, struct libsoccr_sk_data *data, str
>>>  		return -1;
>>>  	}
>>> -	data->state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
>>> +	data->state = ti->tcpi_state;
>>>  	if (ioctl(sk->fd, SIOCOUTQ, &size) == -1) {
>>>  		loge("Unable to get size of snd queue");
>>> @@ -112,6 +134,14 @@ static int refresh_sk(struct libsoccr_sk *sk, struct libsoccr_sk_data *data, str
>>>  	data->unsq_len = size;
>>> +	/* Don't account the fin packet. It doesn't countain real data. */
>>> +	if ((1 << data->state) & (TCPF_FIN_WAIT1 | TCPF_LAST_ACK | TCPF_CLOSING)) {
>>> +		assert(data->outq_len > 0);
>> assert?! We have BUG_ON-s in criu for this, don't we?
> soccr is a separate libary.
>>> +		data->outq_len--;
>>> +		data->unsq_len = data->unsq_len ? data->unsq_len - 1 : 0;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +
>>>  	if (ioctl(sk->fd, SIOCINQ, &size) == -1) {
>>>  		loge("Unable to get size of recv queue");
>>>  		return -1;
>>> @@ -325,12 +355,22 @@ static int set_queue_seq(struct libsoccr_sk *sk, int queue, __u32 seq)
>>>  int libsoccr_set_sk_data_unbound(struct libsoccr_sk *sk,
>>>  		struct libsoccr_sk_data *data, unsigned data_size)
>>>  {
>>> +	int mstate = 1 << data->state;
>>> +
>>>  	if (!data || data_size < SOCR_DATA_MIN_SIZE)
>>>  		return -1;
>>> -	if (data->state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)
>>> +	if (data->state == TCP_LISTEN)
>>>  		return -1;
>> This doesn't look correct, we don't support more states here.
> I don't understand what you want to say here. This set adds support for
> other states.

Ah, so the cover letter subject is "Add support for all other stated" isn't it?

>>> +	if (mstate & (TCPF_CLOSE_WAIT | TCPF_LAST_ACK | TCPF_CLOSE))
>>> +		data->inq_seq--;
>>> +
>>> +	/* outq_seq is adjusted due to not accointing the fin packet */
>>> +	if (mstate & (TCPF_FIN_WAIT1 | TCPF_FIN_WAIT2 |
>>> +		data->outq_seq--;
>>> +
>>>  	if (set_queue_seq(sk, TCP_RECV_QUEUE,
>>>  				data->inq_seq - data->inq_len))
>>>  		return -2;
>>> @@ -400,6 +440,98 @@ int libsoccr_set_sk_data_noq(struct libsoccr_sk *sk,
>>>  	return 0;
>>>  }
>>> +static int send_fin(int sk, struct libsoccr_sk_data *data, unsigned data_size)
>>> +{
>>> +	int ret, exit_code = -1;
>>> +	char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];
>>> +	int mark = SOCCR_MARK;;
>>> +	int libnet_type;
>>> +	libnet_t *l;
>>> +
>>> +	libnet_type = data->family == AF_INET6 ? LIBNET_RAW6 : LIBNET_RAW4;
>>> +
>>> +	l = libnet_init(
>>> +		libnet_type,                            /* injection type */
>>> +		NULL,                                   /* network interface */
>>> +		errbuf);                                /* errbuf */
>>> +	if (l == NULL)
>>> +		return -1;
>>> +
>>> +	if (setsockopt(l->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MARK, &mark, sizeof(mark)))
>>> +		goto err;
>>> +
>>> +	ret = libnet_build_tcp(
>>> +		data->dst_port,		/* source port */
>>> +		data->src_port,		/* destination port */
>>> +		data->inq_seq,			/* sequence number */
>>> +		data->outq_seq - data->outq_len,	/* acknowledgement num */
>>> +		TH_FIN | TH_ACK,		/* control flags */
>>> +		data->rcv_wnd,			/* window size */
>>> +		0,				/* checksum */
>>> +		10,				/* urgent pointer */
>>> +		LIBNET_TCP_H + 20,		/* TCP packet size */
>>> +		NULL,				/* payload */
>>> +		0,				/* payload size */
>>> +		l,				/* libnet handle */
>>> +		0);				/* libnet id */
>>> +	if (ret == -1) {
>>> +		loge("Can't build TCP header: %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));
>>> +		goto err;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	if (data->family == AF_INET6) {
>>> +		struct libnet_in6_addr src, dst;
>>> +
>>> +		memcpy(&dst, data->dst_addr, sizeof(dst));
>>> +		memcpy(&src, data->src_addr, sizeof(src));
>>> +
>>> +		ret = libnet_build_ipv6(
>>> +			0, 0,
>>> +			LIBNET_TCP_H,	/* length */
>>> +			IPPROTO_TCP,	/* protocol */
>>> +			64,		/* hop limit */
>>> +			dst,		/* source IP */
>>> +			src,		/* destination IP */
>>> +			NULL,		/* payload */
>>> +			0,		/* payload size */
>>> +			l,		/* libnet handle */
>>> +			0);		/* libnet id */
>>> +	} else if (data->family == AF_INET)
>>> +		ret = libnet_build_ipv4(
>>> +			LIBNET_IPV4_H + LIBNET_TCP_H + 20,	/* length */
>>> +			0,			/* TOS */
>>> +			242,			/* IP ID */
>>> +			0,			/* IP Frag */
>>> +			64,			/* TTL */
>>> +			IPPROTO_TCP,		/* protocol */
>>> +			0,			/* checksum */
>>> +			data->dst_addr[0],	/* source IP */
>>> +			data->src_addr[0],	/* destination IP */
>>> +			NULL,			/* payload */
>>> +			0,			/* payload size */
>>> +			l,			/* libnet handle */
>>> +			0);			/* libnet id */
>>> +	else {
>>> +		loge("Unknown socket family");
>>> +		goto err;
>>> +	}
>>> +	if (ret == -1) {
>>> +		loge("Can't build IP header: %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));
>>> +		goto err;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	ret = libnet_write(l);
>>> +	if (ret == -1) {
>>> +		loge("Unable to send a fin packet: %s", libnet_geterror(l));
>>> +		goto err;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	exit_code = 0;
>>> +err:
>>> +	libnet_destroy(l);
>>> +	return exit_code;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  int libsoccr_set_sk_data(struct libsoccr_sk *sk,
>>>  		struct libsoccr_sk_data *data, unsigned data_size)
>>>  {
>>> @@ -411,13 +543,40 @@ int libsoccr_set_sk_data(struct libsoccr_sk *sk,
>>>  			.rcv_wnd = data->rcv_wnd,
>>>  			.rcv_wup = data->rcv_wup,
>>>  		};
>>> -	
>>> +
>>> +		if ((1 << data->state) & ((1 << TCP_CLOSE_WAIT) |
>>> +				    (1 << TCP_LAST_ACK) |
>>> +				    (1 << TCP_CLOSE))) {
>>> +			wopt.rcv_wup--;
>>> +			wopt.rcv_wnd++;
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>>  		if (setsockopt(sk->fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW, &wopt, sizeof(wopt))) {
>>>  			loge("Unable to set window parameters");
>>>  			return -1;
>>>  		}
>>>  	}
>>> +	if (data->flags & SOCCR_FLAGS_ADDR) {
>>> +		int mstate = 1 << data->state;
>>> +
>>> +		if (data->state == TCP_CLOSING) {
>>> +			shutdown(sk->fd, SHUT_WR);
>>> +		}
>>> +		if (mstate & (TCPF_CLOSE_WAIT | TCPF_LAST_ACK | TCPF_CLOSE)) {
>>> +			if (send_fin(sk->fd, data, data_size) < 0)
>>> +				return -1;
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>> +		if (mstate & (TCPF_LAST_ACK | TCPF_FIN_WAIT1 |
>>> +				TCPF_FIN_WAIT2 | TCPF_CLOSE)) {
>>> +			shutdown(sk->fd, SHUT_WR);
>>> +		}
>>> +	} else if (data->state != TCP_ESTABLISHED) {
>>> +		loge("Unable to restore a socket state: %d", data->state);
>>> +		return -1;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>>  	return 0;
>>>  }
>>> diff --git a/soccr/soccr.h b/soccr/soccr.h
>>> index 4e272d5..a3a950b 100644
>>> --- a/soccr/soccr.h
>>> +++ b/soccr/soccr.h
>>> @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
>>>  #include "config.h"
>>> +/* All packets with this mark have not to be blocked. */
>>> +#define SOCCR_MARK 0xC114
>>> +
>>>  struct tcp_repair_window {
>>>  	uint32_t   snd_wl1;
>>> @@ -75,11 +78,18 @@ struct libsoccr_sk_data {
>>>  	__u32	timestamp;
>>>  	__u32	flags; /* SOCCR_FLAGS_... below */
>>> -	__u32	snd_wl1;
>>> +
>>> +	__u32	snd_wl1;	/* SOCCR_FLAGS_WINDOW */
>>>  	__u32	snd_wnd;
>>>  	__u32	max_window;
>>>  	__u32	rcv_wnd;
>>>  	__u32	rcv_wup;
>>> +
>>> +	__u32   family;		/* SOCCR_FLAGS_ADDR */
>>> +	__u32	src_port;
>>> +	__u32	dst_port;
>>> +	__u32	src_addr[4];
>>> +	__u32	dst_addr[4];
>> I cannot find where libsoccr initializes these values.
> It's initialized from criu.

OK, so this is an argument that libsoccr user gives to it. Let's make
it outside of libsoccr_sk_data, as the latter is an abstract blob that
is to be passed between libsoccr calls. Addresses are better to be
set with separate call(s) and struct sockaddr-s are to be used.

-- Pavel

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