[CRIU] [PATCH] criu: add make lazy support to crit

Adrian Reber adrian at lisas.de
Wed May 4 10:11:04 PDT 2016

On Wed, May 04, 2016 at 08:08:20PM +0300, Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
> On 05/04/2016 08:03 PM, Adrian Reber wrote:
> > On Wed, May 04, 2016 at 07:49:14PM +0300, Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
> >> On 04/29/2016 11:39 AM, Adrian Reber wrote:
> >>> From: Adrian Reber <areber at redhat.com>
> >>>
> >>> This enables crit to remove all memory pages from a checkpoint
> >>> directory which can be lazily restored using userfaultfd. This
> >>> changes the pagemap.img and pages.img to no longer contain pages
> >>> which can be handled by userfaultfd (MAP_PRIVATE && MAP_ANON).
> >>>
> >>> Usage:
> >>>
> >>>  $ crit/crit make-lazy /tmp/4/ /tmp/5
> >>>  $ du -hs /tmp/4 /tmp/5
> >>>  201M	/tmp/4
> >>>  116K	/tmp/5
> >>>
> >>> The checkpoint in /tmp/5 can be used by the actual restore process
> >>> and the checkpoint in /tmp/4 (with all memory pages) can be used
> >>> by the uffd daemon which then transfers the pages into the restored
> >>> on demand.
> >>
> >> OK, but what's the use case you see for this?
> > 
> > To be able to remove the lazy pages from a checkpoint after the dump to
> > be able to restore it lazily.
> But if you did full dump (and killed tasks) then removed lazy pages from
> images, where would you take the pages from?

I have the original checkpoint directory which is not changed and which
can be used by the uffd daemon. The second directory is the checkpoint
directory with the lazy pages removed. The stripped down directory (the
second, /tmp/5 in my example) is then copied to the destination system
without the need to copy the pages, which will be restored lazily


> > Also for testing, as a conformation, that
> > the restore actually works with all lazy pages removed.
> > 
> > 		Adrian
> > 
> >>> Signed-off-by: Adrian Reber <areber at redhat.com>
> >>> ---
> >>>  crit/crit | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >>>  1 file changed, 78 insertions(+)
> >>>
> >>> diff --git a/crit/crit b/crit/crit
> >>> index 93cbc98..0e97fe5 100755
> >>> --- a/crit/crit
> >>> +++ b/crit/crit
> >>> @@ -217,6 +217,75 @@ explorers = { 'ps': explore_ps, 'fds': explore_fds, 'mems': explore_mems }
> >>>  def explore(opts):
> >>>  	explorers[opts['what']](opts)
> >>>  
> >>> +def make_lazy(opts):
> >>> +	""" This function takes the pages from the input directory
> >>> +	and removes all pages which can be restored lazily.
> >>> +	MAP_PRIVATE && MAP_ANON and not VDSO and not VSYSCALL. """
> >>> +	# page size is hardcoded to 0x1000; probably a bad idea
> >>> +	ps = 0x1000
> >>> +	ps_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pstree.img'))
> >>> +	vids = vma_id()
> >>> +	lazy_pages = []
> >>> +	for p in ps_img['entries']:
> >>> +		pid = p['pid']
> >>> +		mmi = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'mm-%d.img' % pid))['entries'][0]
> >>> +
> >>> +		print "%d" % pid
> >>> +
> >>> +		for vma in mmi['vmas']:
> >>> +			st = vma['status']
> >>> +			# 'MAP_PRIVATE', 0x2
> >>> +			# 'MAP_ANON',    0x20
> >>> +			if (vma['flags'] & 0x2) and (vma['flags'] & 0x20):
> >>> +				# (1 << 2) vsyscall
> >>> +				# (1 << 3) vdso
> >>> +				if not (st & (1 << 2)) and not (st & (1 << 3)):
> >>> +					vaddr = vma['start']
> >>> +					while vaddr < vma['end']:
> >>> +						lazy_pages.append(vaddr)
> >>> +						vaddr += ps
> >>> +
> >>> +		pms = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pagemap-%d.img' % pid))
> >>> +		new = []
> >>> +
> >>> +		# find first pages_id
> >>> +		pages_id = -1
> >>> +		for pm in pms['entries']:
> >>> +			if pm.has_key('pages_id'):
> >>> +				pages_id = pm['pages_id']
> >>> +
> >>> +		if pages_id == -1:
> >>> +			# something went wrong
> >>> +			raise Exception('No pages_id found in pagemap!')
> >>> +
> >>> +		# open the original pages.img to remove the lazy pages
> >>> +		pages_in = os.path.join(opts['dir'], 'pages-%d.img' % pages_id)
> >>> +		pages_in = open(pages_in, 'rb')
> >>> +
> >>> +		pages_out = os.path.join(opts['outdir'], 'pages-%d.img' % pages_id)
> >>> +
> >>> +		pages_out = open(pages_out, 'wb')
> >>> +
> >>> +		for pm in pms['entries']:
> >>> +			if pm.has_key('pages_id'):
> >>> +				new.append(pm)
> >>> +				continue
> >>> +			vaddr = pm['vaddr']
> >>> +			i = 0
> >>> +			start = 0
> >>> +			while vaddr < pm['vaddr'] + (pm['nr_pages'] * 0x1000):
> >>> +				page_buffer = pages_in.read(ps)
> >>> +				if vaddr not in lazy_pages:
> >>> +					if start == 0:
> >>> +						start = vaddr
> >>> +					i +=1
> >>> +					pages_out.write(page_buffer)
> >>> +				vaddr += ps
> >>> +			if i != 0:
> >>> +				new.append({'nr_pages': i, 'vaddr': start})
> >>> +		pms['entries'] = new
> >>> +		pycriu.images.dump(pms, open(os.path.join(opts['outdir'], 'pagemap-%d.img' % pid), 'w+'))
> >>> +
> >>>  def main():
> >>>  	desc = 'CRiu Image Tool'
> >>>  	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc,
> >>> @@ -267,6 +336,15 @@ def main():
> >>>  	show_parser.add_argument("in")
> >>>  	show_parser.set_defaults(func=decode, pretty=True, out=None)
> >>>  
> >>> +	# Make Lazy
> >>> +	lazy_parser = subparsers.add_parser('make-lazy',
> >>> +			help = "remove memory pages from image which can be restored lazily")
> >>> +	lazy_parser.add_argument('dir',
> >>> +			help = "criu checkpoint directory used as input")
> >>> +	lazy_parser.add_argument('outdir',
> >>> +			help = "output directory for new pages.img and pagemap.img")
> >>> +	lazy_parser.set_defaults(func=make_lazy)
> >>> +
> >>>  	opts = vars(parser.parse_args())
> >>>  
> >>>  	opts["func"](opts)
> >>>
> > .
> > 

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